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Recovery Services...

Our services will encompass areas that will sustain women and their children to be completely independent financially, emotionally and spiritually. Evaluations and Assessments will be performed by a Licensed Mental Health Counselor to develop the curricullum that will be designed to meet each individuals needs.


Our hands on approach will allow the mother to work towards complete independence having daily support and nurturing. Eighteen months in our program will enable them to develop skills to sustain them emotionally, financially and spiritually. Our long term goal is to break the bondage of addiction for the next generation

Biblical Studies


These classes develop the practical application of spiritual principles into daily living.

Individual Therapy


One-on-one to process and resolve any issues that may hinder their sucess.

Career Counseling/Gifts


We will be exploring their desired salary, personal hobbies and interests, location, job market and educational possibilities. Woman will be connected with local career centers where they can obtain college loans and preparatory counseling for resume writing, job interviewing skills as well as connections to the available employment options in the area.

Group Curriculum


This will address the deep inner issues that are the core triggers to why we turn to alcohol and drugs. Group gives the individuals a safe and comfortable place where they can work out problems and emotional issues. Women will gain insight into their own thoughts and behaviors that perpetuate addiction behavior. In addition woman who have difficulty with interpersonal relationships can benefit from the social interactions that are a basic part of the Christian community.

Anchor 1

Parenting Classes


GRIP – God Raising Incredible Parents is dedicated to encouraging men and woman to building their family’s foundation through the Biblical principles God intended. We are dedicated to impact lives of single parenting. GRIP strives to strengthen men and woman to raise their children without neglect and abuse in their home. We hope to equip single parents to improve domestic structure in the home by giving them financial management and basic job skills.

Christian Family Counseling


Family-oriented psychotherapy is intended to help improve relationships between family members by fostering respect, communication and trust. Counselors will incorporate Christain theological teachings, prayer, and Biblical scriptures into the therapeutic process.

Your Life Matters Project


YLMP – The Your Life Matters Project is dedicated to walking with individuals step by step as they wrestle through all areas of substance abuse & mental health. Our focus is on per-exposure, addiction recovery & post-recovery.


Your Life Matters Cards

When someone calls 911 in Manatee County Florida in regard to an overdose, they send afire truck, an ambulance and at least 2 police cars.These responders are dedicated to saving that persons life!

After they are revived, they are handed a Your Life Matters Card. The card is simple in design but it puts the power back into the addicts hands to get the resources they need for help! Not only does it make it easy for an addict to take the next step, it inspires them to! 


Order Cards



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