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Prodigal Daughters Home is an 18 month residential program for women suffering from addiction. Our ladies attend full days of classroom teachings which will include biblical studies, daily living skills, nutrition classes, parenting class and much more. For the program to be sucessful for women who are in need of recovery there are certain requirements for admission into the Prodigal Daughters program. If you or someone you know is in need of this program, please download the application and resident manual

Admission Requirements
  • Must profess a desperate need to change

  • Must express a desire to forever forsake her addictive lifestyle.

  • Must be willing to seek Jesus Christ as her only hope of a changed life.

  • Must agree to follow the program guidelines, requirements and disciplines.

  • Must comply with all legal requirements, such as court orders and/or probation.

  • Must sign a contract with Prodigal Daughters.

  • Must not be in active withdrawal.

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